Will you work at our agency HQ?
Sure I can. If my availability works for you then I’d love to work on-site and integrate with the rest of your team. Drop me a line and we can discuss the opportunity further.
I’m a brand Marketing Manager, can you work directly with my team?
Absolutely. I can manage and deliver upon many briefs that would ordinarily be destined for an agency. If you would like to work more closely with your creative resource then please get in touch to discuss the specifics of the job in hand.
Are you able to work remotely on our creative briefs?
With the technology we have available today, I’ve had no problems partnering with a Copywriter in the Swiss Alps, working with a brand team in Dubai, and delivering a pitch response for a network agency in Amsterdam. I have a dedicated office and photographic studio of my own from which to operate so remote working is more than welcome.
Can you deliver additional services like moving image, animation, digital or VR?
When working into large agencies I stick to my core skills and work with their integrated specialist teams where required. However, smaller independent agencies and brand marketing teams can benefit from my longstanding creative partnerships to deliver a variety of other disciplines. My trusted affiliates will work with me (or us) to produce outstanding original content for your business. I will personally manage the process, meaning you will have one consistent creative contact throughout the project timeline.
Does your experience favour any specific industry sector?
Over the last 20 years I’ve worked across a very long list of renowned global brands spanning Automotive, Mobile & Electronics, Food & Beverages, Film & Television, Fitness & Sports, Well-being, Government Departments, Charities and Financial Institutions. I’m personally very interested in business so would love the opportunity to interrogate the issues you’re dealing with in yours (Brands) or your clients’ (Agencies). Get and touch and we’ll get into it…
What is the automotive connection?
Well automotive features heavily within my own personal interest. Although this passion has developed over the last 30 years, we’re now transitioning from a combustion age into one of electric and autonomous vehicles. What does this future mean for us? Well, we’ll have to ride it out and see. If however I can be part of this journey within my work then I would jump at the chance. Should you be working with the past, present or future of motorsport, manufacturing or lifestyle on four, three, two… maybe even zero wheels – I would love to hear from you and discuss the opportunity.